Home » 2022 » August » 5 » HOW TO Print a Pyramid pattern of numbers

3:11 PM
HOW TO Print a Pyramid pattern of numbers

Dear readers we have an assignment to do where we have to print a pyramid of numbers.

The user can enter a number as input and for that number as as range the pyramid of numbers should be printed.


So if the user enters 5, the number pyramid should look like this:


number pyramid

So we are going to write a proram to generate this pyramid pattern.

Basically we are going to use FOR loop to achieve this.

I have include the full tutorial here to create this program


So you can use any programming language you want but the login will almost remain the same.

And the best part is this is achieved here with least number of lines of code.

There are other forms of number pyramid as well which we will see later.




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Category: Programming Languages | Views: 995 | Added by: shanky | Tags: number pattern, pyramid pattern, universe, Basic, programming, pickbasic, uv, rocket software, ancient, unibasic | Rating: 0.0/0

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