hexdump - is a Linux utility to dump the file content into ascii, decimal, hexadecimal, octal formats.
It accepts the input from a file or from standard input and creates a dump in ASCII, octal. hexadecimal or decimal formats.
[-bcCdovx] [-e format_string] [-f format_file] [-n length] [-s skip] file ...
SETFACL - set file access control lists or set special permissions to a file or directory.
setfacl [-bkndRLPvh] [{-m|-x} acl_spec] [{-M|-X} acl_file] file ...
setfacl --restore=file
This utility sets Access Control Lists (ACLs) of files and directories. On the command line, a sequence of commands is followed by a sequence of files (which in turn can be followed by another sequence of commands, ...).
The options -m, and -x expect an ACL on the command line. Multiple ACL entries are separated by comma characters (`,'). The options -M, and -X
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getent - get entries from Name Service Switch libraries or administrative databases like passwd, shadow, group etc.
getent [Options..] database [key ...]
- The getent command displays entries from databases supported by the Name Service Switch libraries, which are configured in /etc/nsswitch.
TIME a simple command to give resource usage in Linux system
time [options] command [arguments...]
The time command runs the specified program/command with the given arguments. When command finishes, time writes a message to standard error giving timing statistics about the program run.
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The command is used to configure kernel parameters at runtime
Most frequent usage:
- Enable/disable IP forwarding
- Change/Edit network configuration for ipv4/ipv6
- Change/Edit kernel parameters like hostaname, domainname, max_lock_depth. ostype, pid_max etc
- Change/edit file system
SHOPT : Toggle the values of variables controlling optional shell behavior.
shopt [-pqsu] [-o] [optname ...]
With no options, or with the -p option, a list of all settable options is displayed, with an indication of whether or not each is set.
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Here in this article, we will learn how to change your command prompt strings in Linux environment or keep a prompt string of your own choice.
Before we change the command prompt strings, we need to learn the global variables $PS1, $PS2, $PS3, $PS4. Because these are the variable which defines the prompt strings. So lets have a look at short description on them.
- PS1: This is the global variable used to define the main prompt string in linux environmen
EXPORT is one of the most useful command in linux. It is used to set global variables in linux environment
export [-fn] [name[=word]] ...
export -p
Names supplied to export are marked for automatic export to the environment of
md5sum - compute and check MD5 message digest
md5sum [OPTION] [FILE]...
Print or check MD5 (128-bit) checksums. With no FILE, or when FILE is -, read standard input.
-b, --binary
read in binary mode
-c, --check
read MD5 sums from the FILEs and check them
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