7:37 AM Perl trick to remove Ctrl - M charater from a file |
Hello open system guys, we always get into situation where by we have to copy files from windows to/from Linux/UNIX/AIX syetsm. When this happens there is pretty much a chance that the ctrl - M character may be found in the files we receive from Window system.
If there is a control - M character in a batch or a script , the script will failed as hell saying "command not found" The resolution is we have to remove them. In today's article i will tell you how to do this using perl command. I have already shared the linux/Unix command to do so at here
Simply use the below command : perl -p -i -e 's/\r\n$/\n/g;' <filename> The above command will work on the <filename> directly and remove any or all ctrl-M characters.in it. Description: It simply replaces '/r' by nothing. '/r' is a special character for ^M or ctrl - M. g --- globally s --- substitite
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