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RSS feed: what is it and how to use it?

RSS stands for Rich site summary or mostly known as really simple syndication.

It shows a summary of your website.

It is used to publish frequently updated information on your website for example blogs, articles etc.

It uses a standard web feed format to read from a website and post to another place.


There are so many RSS feed urls. To see Yahoo sports the feed URL is: 

When you subscribe to website or blogs using an RSS feed you don't need to manually check that site very often. Whenever an update is done or new article is posted,  you can see in the RSS of your browser.
We will see an example of how to create RSS xml file for a blog or a portion of website.
Below is the xml file for the rss feed for blogs at my website. To subscribe you can use this feed 
RSS feeds are mostly xml files. Below is one sample of an RSS
 version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>
<rss version="2.0">
 <title>My Latest Blogs</title>
 <description>A short description for your blog</description>

 <title>Article 1</title>
 <description>A short description for article 1</description>
 <guid>a string for each item</guid>
 <pubDate>Mon, 28 Feb 2014 16:20:00 GMT </pubDate>
2nd item

2. Save the rss as anything.xml and upload on your website. That's it. Your RSS feed URL is ready. 

3. Now you can use that url like www.yoursite.com/rss.xml as rss feed


Category: Technical Solution | Views: 1523 | Added by: shanky | Rating: 0.0/0

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