Home » 2019 » September » 27 » How to generate private/public key from PEM file With PuttyGen

7:57 PM
How to generate private/public key from PEM file With PuttyGen

Hello folks,

In this tutorial we shall earna basic stuff.


So we have a .pem file which is key file to login to a remove server. 

Usually this is needed when you create a remote server on Cloud  and you choose to login with a key pair.

Or you create a key pair, in that case you will be given a *.pem file.

So please follow below steps to generate private key and public key from this file.

  1. Download puttygen from here https://www.puttygen.com/
  2. Install puttygen and run puttygen.exe
  3. Once the page pops up like below

4. click on Load and browse the pem file

5. click on OK .

6. Click on save private key to save private key

7. Similarly save public key to save public key



Category: Open System-Linux | Views: 718 | Added by: shanky | Tags: puttygen, Putty, private key, keypair | Rating: 0.0/0

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