Piyu | Date: Friday, 2014-04-11, 2:02 PM | Message # 1 |
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| What is xmlwf command?Plz explain
shanky | Date: Friday, 2014-04-11, 3:26 PM | Message # 2 |
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| Hi again xmlwf - Determines if an XML document is well-formed FORMAT xmlwf [ -s] [ -n] [ -p] [ -x] [ -e encoding] [ -w] [ -d output-dir] [ -c] [ -m] [ -r] [ -t] [ -v] [ file ...]
DESCRIPTION xmlwf uses the Expat library to determine if an XML document is well-formed. It is non-validating. If you do not specify any files on the command-line, and you have a recent version of xmlwf, the input file will be read from standard input.
Rules for a WELL-FORMED DOCUMENT A well-formed document must adhere to the following rules: · The file begins with an XML declaration. For instance, <?xml version="1.0" standalone="yes"?>. NOTE: xmlwf does not currently check for a valid XML declaration. · Every start tag is either empty (<tag/>) or has a corresponding end tag. · There is exactly one root element. This element must contain all other elements in the document. Only comments, white space, and processing instructions may come after the close of the root element. · All elements nest properly. · All attribute values are enclosed in quotes (either single or double). If the document has a DTD, and it strictly complies with that DTD, then the document is also considered valid. xmlwf is a non-validating parser -- it does not check the DTD. However, it does support external entities (see the -x option).
So xmlwf checks for all such rules and determine if the xml file is well formed. Example: Below file is not having XML declaration: <?xml Prompt:>xmlwf 140408_180157_L1007_M_6403_1_1.xml 140408_180157_L1007_M_6403_1_1.xml:1:8: not well-formed (invalid token)
To open a XML file to be well visible you can use: xmllint --format xmlfile For more info on xmlwf, you can see man page of xmlwf Hope this will be useful.
Piyu | Date: Friday, 2014-04-11, 4:07 PM | Message # 3 |
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| Thanks Shanky. It was very helpfull for my Reverse KT, though i forget to explain this.:P