Hi Bhaveek,
Sure, I will try to help.
You can save your Gnome sessions using the script utility. All you need to do is you have to add below line in .bashrc file present in your home directory if you want saving your session automatically.
test "$(ps -p $PPID -o comm=)" == "script"||script -f ~/log_(date +'%d:%m:%y-%H:%M')_shell.log
It will start the script to save sessions automatically when you start your Gnome terminal next time or reload the .bashrc file using . .bashrc
You can adjust your session log file name as per your choice.
If you give -a option for script command it will append to a existing file or else -f option will create a new file everytime you start your session.
If this answer is not sufficiant or you need any further help, please reply back or chat with me.